Review: Ultimate Spider-Man #3

Jonathan Hickman’s Ultimate Spider-Man continues to be a delightfully fresh take on one of Marvel's most well-known heroes. Hickman weaves a narrative brimming with heart, humor, & action, proving that there was always room for a new spin on a classic tale for an author daring enough to go there.

Every character has been given a wonderfully refreshing update & they keep getting better with each issue. Peter’s interactions with his daughter May are pure heartwarming, Hallmark moments. MJ’s depiction as a strong, independent woman, who isn’t define by her role as mother or wife, is breath of fresh air and a striking juxtaposition to her asinine new Jackpot persona in the main 616. Uncle Ben & J. Jonah Jameson have become a surprisingly lovable duo who provide Peter with both inspiration & a healthy dose of reality. But the true cherry on top in this issue is the first meeting between Peter & Norman Osborn. Hickman manages to capture a genuine warmth in their initial interaction, making the inevitable conflict all the more tragic.

Amidst all these stellar character moments, Hickman doesn’t short us on action. The battle between Spider-Man, the Green Goblin, & Bullseye features witty dialogue perfectly complemented by dynamic & fluid visuals brought to life by Marco Checchetto, Matt Wilson, & Corey Petit.

Hickman's vision for this new Ultimate Universe is becoming fully realized. He's assembled a creative team firing on all cylinders, with Ultimate Spider-Man already in the running for Marvel’s best current series. It’s a must-read for any Spider-Man fan, new or old. I can only hope it keeps slinging issues this good for a long time to come!

Rating: 10/10


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